A week-long series of events as part of International Stuttering Awareness Day. Join us from the 16th of October 2021.
Below you can find articles that cover a range of topics as a parent of a child or teenager who stammers. We also host regular Parent Support Groups.
A downloadable A4 handout "Tips For Summer Camp Leaders To Support Young People Who Stammer" to help them feel supported and to educate summer camp leaders.
Read about the importance of having peer support as a person who stammers. This article is written by Stephen Greene, a person who stammers and an ISA volunteer.
People who stammer are individuals. We all have our own thoughts about stammering, and we have all had our own unique experiences of being a person who stammers.
The Irish Stammering Association is creating a Special Edition Newsletter for young people who stammer. If you know of, or have a student...
Youth Council: Tips for summer camps
Information sheet for schools [A – Example]
Information sheet for schools [C]
Information sheet for schools [B]