Best wishes to a great friend and colleague

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30 Jan
Jun 10, 2020

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This article is part of our Newsletter 2020 series. Make sure to check out the other articles to keep up to date with Irish Stammering Association news and events.

Joe, a great friend of the Irish Stammering Association (and a very close friend of Santa Claus!) retired from ISA in March of this year. Joe has been a stalwart of the ISA and a great support, working in the office for close to 20 years; in fact he is the longest serving working member of ISA. Joe has been a constant throughout the years and was, more often than not, the first point of contact in ISA for many people, his was the first voice people heard at the other end of the phone. His friendly and pleasant manner made him popular with members, his colleagues and among the Carmichael Centre community. He will be missed by both his friends in ISA and by his friends and tea buddies in Carmichael Centre who helped give him a great send off on his last day (a special thank-you to Kate Reilly who coordinated this event!).

We wish Joe, his wife Vera, and his family all the best for the future.

Thank you Joe from everyone at Irish Stammering Association

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