Caint gan eagla – Talk without fear 2012

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30 Jan
Apr 5, 2012

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Caint gan eagla – Talk without fear, ISA’s Conference Day takes place on Saturday April 28th 2012.

Our conference day provides an opportunity for people who stutter (of all ages) and their families to come together and talk about stuttering.

The day will feature a range of talks and presentations from people who stammer, a life coach, and a speech and language therapist as well as a session on mindfulness and a quiz.

There will be dedicated breakout sessions in the afternoon for adults who stammer, parents of children and teens who stammer, and a group for kids and teens who stammer.

Caint gan eagla – Talk without fear 2012 takes place from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. in Hilton Hotel Kilmainham in Dublin 8, near Heuston Station.

The day is FREE to ISA members. If you’re not a member of ISA yet, you can attend the day and join to ISA for €20.

ISA’s Annual General Meeting will also take place during the day.

More details to follow.

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