Ciara Daly sponsored by ISA in Cork Rose Selection

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30 Jan
Jun 15, 2012

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Ciara Daly is being sponsored by ISA in this weekend’s Cork Rose Selection. The winner goes on to represent Cork in this year’s Rose of Tralee.

Ciara says she’s delighted to representing ISA and bringing more awareness of stammering and its effects. We’ll keep you posted on how she gets on. Here’s a photo of Ciara with the other finalists visiting Fota Island Resort

Here’s Ciara’s biography:

“Ciara is a Speech and Language Therapist in Co. Wicklow. Originally from Cork, Ciara is undertaking a Masters in stammering at Trinity College Dublin. Ciara is passionate about helping people who stammer and qualified as European clinical specialist in fluency disorders from Lessius University, Antwerp. Ciara is sponsored by the Irish Stammering Association.Her ambition is to set up a drama group for children with speech disorders in Cork. Bitten by the travel bug early, Ciara has travelled extensively. She is family orientated and has inherited her brothers love for rock music. She recently fulfilled her ambition of learning to play the drums but it’s a work in progress!”

Irish Stammering Association wishes Ciara the very best of luck this weekend!

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