Conference – Caint gan Eagla – Talk without Fear 2015

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30 Jan
Apr 1, 2015

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Hilton Kilmainham April 18th 2015 9:30 – 4:00 p.m.

ISA is pleased to announce details of Conference Day 2015 for everyone connected by stammering including adults who stammer, young people who stammer, and parents of those who stammer.

Our day ‘caint gan eagla’ meaning ‘talk without fear’. is a reminder that no one needs to fear speaking – including those who stammer.

This year we welcome back Dr. Shelly Jo Kraft, Assistant Professor at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Dr. Kraft has spoken at National Stammering Awareness Day on the biological and behavioural genetics of stuttering. A delightfully engaging presenter, Shelly Jo makes complicated science easy to understand!

Outgoing Chair Veronica Lynch will reflect on Irish Stammering Association’s work over recent years and will point to new directions for the organisation.

Dr. Triona Lanigan, counselling psychologist and person who stutters, will talk about ways to handle stuttering and the anxiety associated with speaking situations. This practical talk will bring research ideas together with things you can do in everyday settings.

You’ll have the opportunity to listen to several other interesting speakers and to meet other people who stammer. There will be facilitated sessions for adults who stammer, young people, and a group for parents too.

We’ll have a design your own poster session for children who attend; posters will be featured in the next ISA newsletter

ISA AGM will take place in the afternoon.

Venue: Hilton Kilmainham Hotel, Inchicore Road, Dublin 8 (see map)

Date: Saturday 18th April 2015

Time: 9.30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Cost: FREE to ISA members (€20 to join ISA for the year)

Car parking: Car parking is available at the Hilton Kilmainaham.

The first 1.5hr is complimentary and €3 per hour thereafter or €7 per day; delegates will pay their own accounts

Looking forward to seeing you there!

For more details drop us a line:

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