Conference Day 2015 Schedule

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30 Jan
Apr 13, 2015

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ISA is pleased to announce the schedule for Conference Day 2015 taking place on Saturday April 18th. Registration begins at 9.30 a.m. A full schedule is presented below.

Our day ‘caint gan eagla’ meaning ‘talk without fear’. is a reminder that no one needs to fear speaking – including those who stammer. The day is open to everyone connected by stammering including adults who stammer, young people who stammer, and parents of those who stammer.

Attendance is FREE to ISA members. If you’re not a member, you can join ISA on the day for €20.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Registration begins at 9.30 a.m.

10:00 ISA Chairperson’s address: Veronica Lynch

10:30 Challenge Yourself: Diary of a Stutterer : Simon Walsh

10:40 Icebreaker (Icemelter!) session

11:00 Ian Hickey : Stammering and the Quarter-Life Crisis: the realities of being a young adult with a stammer.

11:20 Radio Ga Ga: Jonathon Linklater

11:30 Tea & Coffee

11:50 Reflections on presentation skills workshop: David Heney

12:00 Genetics, stuttering, and what it means to you : Dr Shelly Jo Kraft

12:30 Lunch

13:15 Breakout sessions:

– Adults session

– Young people session

– Parents’ Support Network (Callum Wells & Aisling Keogh SLTs)

14:45 Coping with stuttering: Dr Triona Lanigan

15:15 Closing session : Challenge Yourself!

15:30 ISA Annual General Meeting

16:00 Close

Venue: Hilton Kilmainham Hotel, Inchicore Road, Dublin 8 (see map)

Date: Saturday 18th April 2015

Time: 9.30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Cost: FREE to ISA members (€20 to join ISA for the year)

Car parking: Car parking is available at the Hilton Kilmainaham.

The first 1.5hr is complimentary and €3 per hour thereafter or €7 per day; delegates will pay their own accounts.

For more details drop us a line:

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