Diary of a Stutterer’ shortlisted for Blog Awards

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30 Jan
Sep 26, 2013

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The blog ‘Diary of a Stutterer‘ has been shortlisted for ‘Best Health and Wellbeing Blog’ for the Blog Awards Ireland 2013. The awards take place on 12th October with the finalists being revealed on the 29th September.

‘Diary of a Stutterer’ is the blog of Simon Walsh, a final year journalism student. It is an honest portrayal of what life is like with a stutter and is a very interesting and enjoyable read.

We at ISA will be watching with interest on 29th September to see if Simon makes it to the final list.

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Diary of a Stutterer is also nominated in the ‘Best Blog Post’ Category. The post nominated is Do you use a crutch?

You can vote for this post by visiting http://www.blogawardsireland.com/category/best-blog-post-2/


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