Galway Open Day – May 2017

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30 Jan
May 2, 2017

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Irish Stammering Association is hosting an Open Day in Galway on 20th May 2017 in the Harbour Hotel, New Dock Road, Galway City. ISA’s Annual General Meeting will also take place on the day.

We will have a range of talks including:

• Chairman’s Address from new ISA Chair David Heney

• Galway support group members talk about the benefits of joining a group

• Opportunity to ‘Ask the expert’ with Dr. Triona Lanigan (counselling psychologist who stutters) and Callum Wells (speech and language therapist who stutters)

• James McCormack – psychotherapist who works with young people in higher education

• Patricia Collins – speech and language therapist who works with kids and teens

• The event starts at 1 p.m. with tea and coffee.

• The day is free to attend and will finish around 3 p.m.

For more details please contact

Travel details are below the poster.ISA-AGM-Poster2017

Travel information:

Parking is available at the Harbour Hotel. The first 90 minutes are free, and parking is charged at €2.00 per hour thereafter. Overnight or full day car parking is charged at a maximum of €8.00. have buses from Dublin to Galway every hour starting from 6:45. They leave from Aston/Crampton Quay. They also go from Cork to Galway and from Limerick (Henry Street Garda Station) to Galway though not as regularly as the Dublin buses. also have buses running every hour from the city centre starting from 7:15

Bus Eireann and Irish Rail have services from Dublin to Galway. Bus Eireann also provides services from from Letterkenny to Galway and from Cork to Galway.

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