HSE Galway - working with Children who Stammer

30 Jan
Sep 5, 2020

No upcoming events at the moment.

Patricia Collins, Senior Speech and Language Therapist at HSE Galway, along with her team, held an event for children who stammer in their area. A bowling morning and lunch was held on Friday 21st February 2020 in Planet Family Entertainment Centre, Headford Road, Galway.

It was the wettest day of the year so far in Galway and the group all agreed that there was no better place to be than bowling and having fun with the team!

Here are some of the written comments and testimonials from the participants aged from 8 years to 18 years of age.

‘I had a great time at the bowling with the speech and language group. It was wonderful to be able to meet and chat with everyone in the group in a fun and enjoyable environment. It is a very useful way to introduce new members to the group and to keep the older ones in touch. It was an enjoyable day out and I am looking to the next one with great excitement. Thank you very much’

‘I enjoyed making new friends and winning in bowling’

‘It was funny and fun’.

‘I enjoyed meeting everyone, interacting and having fun’

‘I liked when everyone was having fun and talking and meeting new people’

‘It was a fun day, I was more confident talking to others as I wouldn’t be judged on my stammer’

‘Today was so much fun. I loved the bowling. I made new friends’

‘The day was fun, was nice to see these people again and it was a good change from my normal day’.

Photo credit:

No upcoming events at the moment.

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