ISA Day – ‘Caint gan Eagla’ – Talk Without Fear

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30 Jan
Mar 29, 2011

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Following last year’s succesful conference day, this April ISA is organising another for everyone who is challenged by stammering including adults who stammer, young people who stammer and parents of those who stammer.

‘Caint gan eagla’ means ‘talk without fear’. A reminder that no one needs to fear speaking including those who stammer. The event will have a range of talks, presentations and breakouts…

  1. ISA Chairman Stephen Greene brings us up to date with a busy year
  2. Joe O’Donnell of The Irish McGuire Programme talks about his experience of stammering
  3. Take part in a friendly forum if you are an adult who stammers or the parents or carers of young people who stammer
  4. Get new advice and information on how you can help yourself in stammering.
  5. Find out what a Speech and Language Therapist does
  6. Young ISA will also meet for a fun session (guaranteed fun!)
  7. Members of Young ISA will talk about drama, stammering and what respect means to them.
  8. ISAYiT! and Gaiety School of Acting voice coach Cathal Quinn talk to us about finding your voice.
  9. ISA’s AGM will also take place at 1 p.m.

Location: Hilton Hotel Kilmainham, Dublin 8

Date: Saturday 16th April

Start: 10:30 a.m. registration / 11:00 a.m. start

Finish: 3.30 p.m.

Cost: €20 per person

€40 maximum cost for a family

Free for students of Speech and Language Therapy.

Check our website closer to the day for running times. Check the Hotel website for details of parking and public transport options.

You can register to attend the day by contacting the ISA office on 01 872 4405 or emailing

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