National Stammering Awareness Day 2014

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30 Jan
Sep 22, 2014

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This year’s National Stammering Awareness Day (NSAD) will take place in the Jury’s lnn Custom House. Custom House Quay, Dublin on Saturday 18th October.

The 2014 National Stammering Awareness Day will be in its 8th year and once again it is being kindly sponsored by ‘Speak Soon Communications’.

Irish Stammering Association and Irish McGuire Programme also provide financial support to the event.

“We speak with one voice!” is this year’s theme. This is a great opportunity for all who are interested in stammering to attend and get involved. Family & friends are very welcome.

There will be a range of speakers throughout the day including people who stutter and professionals who work in the field including speech and language therapists.

The day will also feature a breakout session for parents and an ISAYiT! drama group for young people who stutter facilitated by the Gaiety School of Acting.

Once again, there will be a group running for young people and teenagers to meet and talk about stammering.

The day starts at 10 a.m. and runs until 4.30 p.m. Admission is free; refreshments will be served.

For the official NSAD website go to

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