Running order – Caint gan eagla – ISA Conference Day – 2013

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30 Jan
Apr 25, 2013

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ISA is pleased to announce a running order for Conference Day 2013. Our day ‘caint gan eagla’ meaning ‘talk without fear’. is a reminder that no one needs to fear speaking – including those who stammer.

Venue: Hilton Kilmainham Hotel, Dublin (see map)

Date: Saturday 27th April 2013

Time: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Cost: FREE to ISA members

(€20 to join ISA for the year)

The day is for everyone connected by stammering including adults who stammer, young people who stammer, and parents of those who stammer. Here’s the lineup…

09:30 Registration

10:00 ISA Chairperson’s address: Veronica Lynch

10:30 A family perspective on stammering: Maria Crotty

10:45 The changing stammering iceberg: Bevin Murphy

10:50 Icebreaker (Icemelter?!) session: How has your stammering changed?

11:10 World Congress for people who stutter – beyond Ireland: Michael O’Shea

11:30 Tea and Coffee

11:50 Reflections on ISA’s MBTI workshop: Aidan Duffy and Mark Noonan

12:10 Michael Palin Centre – Therapy for children who stammer:

Aisling Keogh, Speech and Language Therapist

12:25 Women’s phone group: Sarah McCormack

12:40 Diary of a stutterer: Simon Walsh

13:00 Lunch

13:45 Breakout sessions

• Support groups for adults (facilitated by ISA group leaders)

• ISAYiT! drama introduction for young people who stutter facilitated by Gaiety School of Acting (John Delaney)

• Parents’ Support Network (Callum Wells and Aisling Keogh, SLTs)

15:15 Closing session

15:30 ISA Annual General Meeting

16:00 Close

Here’s a downloadable running order…Irish Stammering Association – Conference Day 2013 running order

Hope to see you there!

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