Special Edition Newsletter for Young People who Stammer

30 Jan
Mar 18, 2021

No upcoming events at the moment.

The Irish Stammering Association is creating a Special Edition Newsletter for young people who stammer.

If you know of, or have a student who stammers, they are not alone and we would love to hear from them.  Letters / drawings / poems that are in some way relating to stammering (or stuttering) are all welcome.

Please either post or email your contributions for this special edition ISA Newsletter to:

Irish Stammering Association,

Carmichael House,

North Brunswick Street,

Dublin 7

Or email:  info@stammeringireland.ie

Please also include the  * permission slip * which you can download below

Topics that may be of interest include:

- who the child / student is and their interests.

- their stammer and what it might mean to them

- techniques and strategies that have helped their communication

- their attitude to stammering

- what they know about stammering and any impact it has had on their lives.

The deadline for all entries is Sunday 18th April 2021.

Please consider that many people will read this information and so please minimise any identifiable information.

We aim to include as many contributions as possible for our next edition. If you have any questions please email info@stammeringireland.ie or text / leave a voicemail on 085 169 4317

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Photo credit:

No upcoming events at the moment.

Further reading

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