Stuttering Organisations Unite to Congratulate Joe Biden

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30 Jan
Jan 19, 2021

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‘You stutter, we stutter, it’s how we talk’

Organisations representing those who stammer, or stutter, around the world have come together to congratulate Joe Biden on his inauguration. The first President of the United States of America to have a stammer.  

Over 30 national and international organisations signed a letter of congratulations, with the words “your achievement stands testament to the fact that having a stutter is no reflection upon brains or talent. This is an empowering message for young people who stutter here, and in every continent around the world”.

The letter ends “You stutter, we stutter, it’s how we talk”.  

Chair of Irish Stammering Association David Heney said, “The election of Joe Biden shows that a person who stammers is capable of being elected to one of the most important positions in the world. People who stammer have valuable qualities and make significant contributions to society. They are often good communicators. There is no reason that stammering should define or limit a person. Congratulations, President Joe Biden!”

Signatories hope that Biden’s position will help the media and the public have a more positive and insightful understanding about what it means to stutter. Stuttering is no reflection on talent and should be no bar to ambition, it is just how some people talk.

Signatory organisations come from: Australia, Austria, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Germany, Ghana, Iceland, India, Ireland, Japan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Nepal, Netherlands, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, Togo, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Zambia.

Dear Mr President,
Warm congratulations on your inauguration today from the stuttering community from across the globe.
As someone with a stutter, your achievement stands testament to the fact that having a stutter is no reflection upon brains or talent. This is an empowering message for young people who stutter here, and in every continent around the world, and a powerful message to all those who don’t stammer.  Stammering should be no bar to success.    
You stutter. We stutter. It’s how we talk.

Signed by:
International Stuttering Association, International Stuttering Association, Australian Speak Easy Association, Oesterreichische Selbsthilfe-Initiative Stottern, Botswana Stuttering Association, Bulgarian Stuttering Association, Bulgarian Stuttering Association, Foreningen for Stammere i Danmark, The Dominican Stuttering Foundation, Bundesvereinigung Stottern und Selbsthilfe e.V, Ghana Stammering Association, Malbjorg, The Indian Stammering Association, Irish Stammering Association, Japan Stuttering Genyukai Association, Shoqata Kosovare per Belbezim, Lithuanian Stuttering Problem Club, Nepal Stutters Association, Nederlands,Stottervereniging ‘Demosthenes’, Canadian Stuttering Association, Habla Libre Peruvian Association, Speakeasy Stuttering Association of South Africa, VERSTA, Youth Action for Mutual Aid and fight against Stuttering, Stamma, 50 Million Voices, National Stuttering Association, Friends, Stuttering Association of Zambia, Pakistan Stammering Foundation, SAY Global Foundation, Russian Stuttering Association.

Click here to listen to Dr. Jonathon Linklater talk about stammering / stuttering and the significance of Joe Biden's stutter.

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