Survey for Adults who Stammer

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30 Jan
Mar 23, 2014

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Irish Stammering Association are helping researchers at University of

East Anglia, UK, to run a questionnaire participation in research by

adults who stammer…

“We are interested in the reasons why people agree or decline to take

part in research studies about stammering. If you are an adult who

stammers (18 years or older), we would be grateful if you would answer

the questions in this short survey.

All of your answers will be treated confidentially and will be pooled

with answers from other people for analysis. The results of the

analysis will be written up in a report and academic papers. You will

be able to access a summary of the results on the British Stammering

Association Website (

Previous research has given us some idea about the kinds of issues

that affect whether people decide to take part in research studies.

The questions that we ask in this survey are based on what researchers

have previously found. We want to know whether the same factors affect

people who stammer.

The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete. There is a

progress bar at the top of each page to show you how much of the

survey you have completed. Remember to click the ‘Submit’ button when

you have completed your survey.

Here is the link:

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