Women’s Mini Marathon

30 Jan
May 23, 2019

No upcoming events at the moment.

Bevin Murphy and Veronica Lynch will be completing the Women’s Mini Marathon on the 2nd of June 2019 and are doing it in aid of the Irish Stammering Association and Young ISA!

Bevin and Veronica have been instrumental in the success of ISAYiT! – our drama group for young people who stammer – and said “This is a very important cause and it has a special place in our hearts – we hope you’ll support us on the day by sponsoring us!”

“The ISA provides a nationally recognised voice for people affected by stammering. It also provides information, encourages self-help groups throughout Ireland, influences policy, raises public awareness and works towards the improvement of early intervention measures for children.

Young ISA or ISAYiT! offers young people who stammer a unique opportunity to express themselves creatively among a group of their peers in an environment where they can speak without judgment. The most important thing to ISA and ISAYiT! is that the people who go there get to speak as freely and as openly as they want and they get the support they need. We are raising money to support ISAs mission and also to support the young people of ISAYiT!”

You can donate by following this link http://bit.ly/ISAdonate


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No upcoming events at the moment.

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